Cultivation techniques of leeks

Leek hi warm, strong branching, vine leaves grow rapidly, the yield depends on the number of picking and the weight of each picking. To increase the number of times and picking weight should grasp "early planting, more fertilization, diligent picking." Leek cultivation methods are divided into dryland cultivation, aquatic cultivation and floating cultivation according to the terrain. Drought and flood cultivation method (1) Sowing and raising seedlings: leeks are cold, stems and leaves suffer from frost and die, so the open cultivation should be in the local frost-free period, the southern general seed seed broadcast, a few cut propagation, live broadcast is divided into sowing, on-demand and drilling. Ex situ cultivation in the south of the Yangtze River is planted from mid-April to early July. During this period, early plantings are sown early, with long growth periods and high yields. Before Daejeon’s live broadcasting, Mushi composted 1500-2000 kilograms of manure in 2,500-3,000 manure, 50-100 kilograms of plant ash, and turned it into the soil as a base fertilizer. The grains of leeks were large, and the soil particles on the surface were not too thin. The ditch is 2-2.6 meters high. On-demand viewers are 15-20 cm square by hole, 3-4 pellets per hole, 33 cm pitcher spacing, 10-14 cm spacing, 3-4 kg per acre, and pods after sowing. The seed is dropped and the soil particles are mixed with the gap. The application of 1500-2000 kilograms of manure is used to cover the seed fertilizer. Seedlings are grown 5-7 days, harvested in spring for 50 days and summerized for 35-40 days. The temperature in the early spring of the Yangtze River valley is relatively low. Most of them are covered with cold beds or plastic sheds. Seedlings are planted in the middle and early March. The seedbed is selected to loose fertile fields. The seeding rate per acre after planting is 20 kg and 100-150 after sowing. Kilogram cover fertilizer is then covered with 1 cm thick river mud. After 5-7 days, the seedlings will emerge. The seedling will be topped with 1-2 times of diluted human waste water. In mid-late April, the seedling period will be 25-30 days, and the height will be 15-20 cm. Daejeon. Because the leeks are prone to adventitious roots, when the old plants are sown or about 33 centimeters in length, the short internodes are selected, and the plants with large leaves are sized by 2-3 lines per hole. Insert the vine into the soil 4-5 knots, depth 6 cm, press the topsoil, leave 2-3 leaves to expose the ground, water once a day, 3-4 days to survive, planting 4000-5000 points per acre. (2) Field cultivation and management: After live seeding, transplanting or cutting and survival, combined with cultivating and weeding, the plant will use 1500-2000 kilograms of manure, and once every 3-5 days, the water will be poured out once. The live broadcaster will harvest about 1.5-2 months. One month later, shoots can be harvested for feeding. Seed sown with leeks, at the same time, the stems of the main vines behind the cotyledons were also used to grow two side vines in a T-shape. Therefore, the main vine base should be taken off for the first time, leaving two side vines growing. The cuttings picking for the first time left the base 2-3 sections, the base section can not leave too much, otherwise the tender tip is weak, poor quality, but also left 2-3 picking the upper tender shoots, so continue to pull to frost, on the ground After the Ministry died, each time the wound was healed for 2-3 days, a manure was applied to promote branch growth, increase yield, and improve quality.

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